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    We’re Heading Back to School Together

    As the summer days wind down, we start saying goodbye to relaxing sunny days and saying hello to the excitement of heading back to school in the fall.

    Back-to-School season is full of emotions – from the fluttering butterflies that come with wanting to make a good first impression, to the excitement of reuniting with friends after a summer apart, and the enthusiasm for tackling any challenges the new school year holds. It’s important to acknowledge that there are many students going back to school who face uncertainty regarding when and where they’ll be getting their next meal.

    We believe that kids deserve food; they shouldn’t have to worry about where it will come from or when.

    Making Sure No Kid Goes to School Hungry

    Join us from August 15th to September 15th to celebrate and support the impactful community work being done by Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids (BB4CK) to make sure no kids go to school hungry. In partnership with BB4CK, we crafted a special display on the lower level near Sporting Life to celebrate one of the most exciting parts of school… recess. Bring out your inner child with classic back-to-school games.

    Make sure to speak to our friends at BB4CK to discover more about their programs and how to get involved!

    Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids

    A community that cares for kids.

    BB4CK feeds kids every day, kids that are in school and kids that are at-home learning. Everything they do is possible thanks to the community, including volunteers, donors, and partners.

    Every day, volunteers come together and prepare healthy lunches that are delivered to kids in school. Corporate groups, restaurants, and individuals, all get together with one purpose in mind: to send healthy lunches to kids in their community.


    How to Get Involved

    Find ways to contribute that work for you and help towards a future where communities ensure no kids go hungry.


    Give the gift of lunch and make a significant impact in the lives of Calgary’s kids. Your gift provides nutritious lunches for children in schools across Calgary and ensures that they receive the food they need to reach their full potential.

    Be a hunger hero!

    You can become a hunger hero by donating to Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids monthly! Your monthly gift creates a reliable source of funding year-round to help provide lunches to children facing hunger.

    By donating $21 a month, you can ensure that six kids receive nutritious food to help them play, learn, and grow throughout the year.



    Give the gift of your time by joining us to make lunches for kids. Volunteers are the backbone of BB4CK. Without volunteers, kids wouldn’t receive the healthy lunch they need to learn, play and grow.

    You can make an impact in many ways with Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids.


    Volunteer Opportunities

    BB4Ck Downtown Kitchen

    It takes a large team of volunteers to ensure we are able to make enough lunches to feed hungry kids each day. From early bird volunteers, core kitchen volunteers, and volunteer drivers.

    Community Volunteer

    Volunteers in Communities across our city take action every day to feed and care for hungry kids. Volunteers shop for groceries, assemble lunches, deliver them to schools, and fundraise to support their BB4CK lunch programs.

    Delivery Driver

    Delivery Driver Volunteers are fundamental to our downtown kitchen operations – this role ensures that the lunches made in our kitchen are delivered on time to the schools needing them.

    Apply to Volunteer

    Spread the Word

    Follow BB4CK on social media to share and amplify their message! Help to increase BB4CK’s visibility in the community through their social media ambassador program.

    Giving them a push online helps them reach more people and make a greater impact.

    Support Online