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    Coming Soon: CANstruction

    March 13th to April 3rd, 2025

    Welcome to the CANimal Kingdom

    Experience the incredible fusion of creativity, compassion, and community at CANstruction Calgary, hosted by Southcentre Mall.

    Supporting the Calgary Food Bank, this year’s creative adventure explores the wild world of animals across forests, deserts, oases, swamps and jungles. Seven CANstruction teams—including one local school—will compete in designing and constructing extraordinary structures made entirely out of non-perishable food items.

    Who will be the king or queen of the CANimal Kingdom? Find out how to be part of the fun and participate in the CANstruction Awards here.

    It’s time to CAN-struct a difference, one can at a time!

    With +29,000 cans anticipated to be donated this year, the structures on display in Centre Court and then all the food used in the designs will go to the Calgary Food Bank. With demand for Emergency Food Hampers still increasing, this donation will provide six weeks’ worth of food hampers.

    About The Calgary Food Bank

    The Calgary Food Bank is the first line of emergency food support for Calgarians in crisis and the main charitable food hub in the city. Receiving almost no government funding, they are by community, for community and rely on the generous support of community members like you to support their mission to make food accessible to everyone in our city.

    CANstruction has been raising food, funds and awareness for the Calgary Food Bank for 18 years. We invite you to make a donation below.

    Help Feed Calgary

    Visit Centre Court to experience the larger-than-life Animal Kingdom inspired displays from March 13th to April 3rd, 2025.


    8 Arms and 3 Hearts

    by Bantrel Cares

    CAN count: 2,126

    Did you know that octopuses have three hearts, large brains, and blue blood? Female octopuses can also lay up to 400,000 eggs, often sacrificing their own food intake to care for them. Interestingly, a survey by the Calgary Foundation found that 36% of parents said they’ve skipped meals to ensure their children eat. #TeamBantrel is excited to participate in CANstruction 2025, giving back to our community.

    For this year’s event, #TeamBantrel crafted a stunning octopus made of ingredients for a delicious chicken enchilada chili. The octopus is formed from tender chicken breast, surrounded by pillar coral made of diced tomatoes, chili, and corn. The kelp shelters the octopus with stalks of beans and leaves of vegetable stock, culminating in a rich and filling chili, enhancing the chili’s rich flavours.

    Our creation will provide 115 complete, protein-rich, and simple-to-make meals, along with hundreds of additional ingredients to support the local food bank.

    The GOAT of CANimal Kingdom

    by City of Calgary

    CAN count: 8,084

    Behold “The GOAT,” comprising of 8,084 cans. “The GOAT” pays tribute to The City of Calgary’s innovative program that involves over 800 hungry goats grazing a 58-hectare area within Nose Hill Park. To highlight the benefits of the program, the surroundings of the structure represent Nose Hill Park’s natural grassland habitat restored through goat grazing.

    Historically, large herbivores like bison and elk roamed the area, maintaining the ecosystem by grazing on vegetation and turning soil over with their hooves. Goats, who have similar grazing habits to elk and bison, were then chosen to help restore balance and increase the ecosystem’s health.

    “The GOAT” symbolizes harmony between urban and environmental stewardship, highlighting The City’s eco-friendly weed and pest control and the goal to restore 20% of Calgary’s open space by 2025.

    Ripples of Resilience: The Hippo’s Graceful Rise

    by Calgary Co-op, Elan Construction, Zeidler Architecture

    CAN count: 5,688

    Inspired by the majestic Moo Deng, our structure represents the strength and adaptability of the Hippopotamus in the CANimal Kingdom. The hippo’s graceful rise from the water symbolizes resilience and the interconnectedness of life. Utilizing the reflective qualities of tuna to mimic rippling water and adding green hues from artichokes to blend with aquatic vegetation, the design also incorporates pops of colourful cans to detail the hippo and blooming flowers.

    CANterpillars for a Better World


    CAN count: 3,700

    CANterpillars are fascinating creatures that play a crucial role in the lifecycle of butterflies and moths. What makes them particularly remarkable is their ability to transform. After a period of feeding and growth, they undergo metamorphosis, entering a chrysalis, completely reorCANizes their body, and emerging as a butterfly or a moth.

    Their journey from tiny, insatiable eaters to graceful flying insects serves as a metaphor for the potential of change, reminding us that growth CAN often require a period of quiet, hidden development. CANterpillars encourage us to embrace positive transformation, teaching us that with patience and adaptability, we too CAN evolve.

    Their journey CAN inspire us to embrace growth and work toward a better future, that is strong and sustainable for all. By supporting the Calgary Food Bank we too CAN promote a positive transformation in the lives of Calgarians in need!

    Little Pond in CANada


    CAN count: 2,000

    This year, the students at St. Michael School set a goal to create an idyllic scene that they hope will continue to exist in their future: a beautiful, lush pond surrounded by grasses, cattails, and brimming with life. This scene is meant to express their values of preserving and raising awareness about the importance of local biodiversity, maintaining green spaces, and learning how to use them responsibly.

    Frogs are symbols in many cultures, representing renewal as well as abundance. This abundance of food, fundraised by the school community, is meant to be shared and give strength to those in need.

    CAN-eleon: CAN-ouflaging for a Cause


    CAN count: 4,100

    CAN-eleon embodies the spirit of adaptability and community, much like the chameleon itself. Just as the chameleon shifts its colours to blend with its surroundings, this structure reflects how we must adapt and come together to address food accessibility in our city.

    The vibrant cans represent the variety of ways people contribute, each one adding to the collective effort to offer relief and empowerment.

    How Many Cans CAN a Toucan Can?

    BY Tri Innovations

    CAN count: 2,900

    How many cans can a toucan can?

    As many as toucan talons can span!

    From the jungle floor to a grocery store,

    It cans with its bill and a flick of its hand.


    With a tap, tap, tap, and a clang, clang, clang,

    The toucan starts its canning gang!

    One for the pantry, one for the show,

    One for the treehouse (in case it should snow).


    If the toucan’s feeling especially spry,

    It’ll stack its cans in a pyramid high.

    Balanced with skill, not a single one falls,

    Till it rivals the height of the rainforest walls.


    By the light of the moon, by the shine of the sun,

    The toucan keeps canning till the day is done.

    So how many cans can a toucan can?

    The answer, my friend, is: “as many as it can!”


    And when it’s all over, its work complete,

    The toucan sits down for a tropical treat.

    But don’t be surprised if it cans its snack,

    Because a toucan loves cans and that’s a fact!

    How You CAN Get Involved

    Starting March 13th, you’re invited to be part of this CAN-tastic cause!

    Ways to get involved:

    1. Cast your vote for the People’s Choice Award! (Voting link coming soon!)
    2. Donate non-perishable items in Centre Court. View the Calgary Food Bank Wishlist below
    3. Donate funds directly—where every dollar donated means $3.50 worth of food distributed

    Help Feed Calgary

    Healthy Competition & People's Choice Award

    To celebrate the hard work of everyone involved, teams are competing to win a trophy in the following categories: 

    1. Structural Ingenuity
    2. Best Meal
    3. Best Use of Labels
    4. Best Original Design
    5. Most Cans
    6. People’s Choice Award (Voting link coming soon!)

    See if your favourite structure won at the CANstruction Award Ceremony on March 25th at 3:30pm in Centre Court.

    Calgary Food Bank Wishlist

    Need to shop for a donation? Dollarama, Shoppers Drug Mart and Safeway at Southcentre got you covered.

    Core items:

    • Grains (regular and gluten free): pasta, rice, cereal, oatmeal, flour
    • Protein: peanut butter, canned or dried beans, chickpeas, lentils
    • Other: pasta sauce, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned soup

    Other items:

    • Baby items: diapers, formula
    • Hygiene: shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, deodorant
    • Party items: party supplies, books, games, toys, cake mixes, icing, balloons, candles
    • Pet food
    Dented and/or unlabeled cans, broken and/or open packages will not be accepted.